"It is not your work to make anything happen. It's your work to dream it and let it happen. Law of Attraction will make it happen. In your joy, you create something, and then you maintain your vibrational harmony with it,
and the Universe must find a way to bring it about.
That's the promise of Law of Attraction."
and the Universe must find a way to bring it about.
That's the promise of Law of Attraction."
The Law of Attraction (LOA) is the most powerful law in the Universe. What you put out there comes back to you like a boomerang. Like attracts like. LOA delivers both what is wanted and what is unwanted depending on the vibration we are sending out to the Universe. Whatever we give out with our energy vibrations ~ thoughts, feelings, etc. ~ we will receive back to us. What you focus on expands. Your thoughts create your reality.
Your emotions are your guidance system and your indicator of where you are vibrating at any given moment. When you choose to change the thought, now you've changed the emotion and therefore the creation. Emotions always let you know if you're moving towards something you want or towards something that you don't want. Your emotions let you know if you're in alignment or not. If you feel good you are in alignment, and if you're not feeling good you are not in alignment. |
We are all vibrational beings offering vibrations. These show up as emotions or emotional guidance system.
Emotions that vibrate high are: joy, love, knowledge, passion, appreciation, eagerness, enthusiasm, optimism, hopefulness, gratitude, freedom, empowerment, positive expectation/belief, contentment, and happiness. Emotions that vibrate low are: fear, grief, despair, jealousy, guilt, blame, worry, depression, overwhelm, irritation, impatience, disappointment, discouragement, anger, revenge, hatred, rage, insecurity, unworthiness, powerlessness, doubt, frustration, and pessimism. We are vibrational beings offering vibration every moment that we are focused, that is affecting everything in our lives positively or negatively.
Emotions that vibrate high are: joy, love, knowledge, passion, appreciation, eagerness, enthusiasm, optimism, hopefulness, gratitude, freedom, empowerment, positive expectation/belief, contentment, and happiness. Emotions that vibrate low are: fear, grief, despair, jealousy, guilt, blame, worry, depression, overwhelm, irritation, impatience, disappointment, discouragement, anger, revenge, hatred, rage, insecurity, unworthiness, powerlessness, doubt, frustration, and pessimism. We are vibrational beings offering vibration every moment that we are focused, that is affecting everything in our lives positively or negatively.