Remote Reiki Healing with Intuitive Reading ~ 90 minutes
Distance healing is a form of energy healing "sent" across time or space (quantum field) that is received and has a healing effect on the recipient. You do not have to be physically present with the healer to receive the healing. This type of healing is equally effective as an in-person healing because in alternative energy healing and holistic medicine therapies we are working with the physical, spiritual, emotional and mental aspects of an individual by accessing the individuals energy body. The energy body can be accessed easily from anywhere and at any time and does not require you to be physically present with the practitioner. In the comfort of your own home/space find a comfortable place to lay down and relax, making sure you won't be interrupted. The healing will be approximately 45-60 minutes. This is a special time for you to take for yourself to completely relax and allow. You may feel warmth or different sensations in your body and a sense of well-being. All the same things apply to long-distance Reiki as if it were an in-person session. After all, energy is energy and transcends time and space. The following 30 minutes after the session is completed we will connect via phone and I will share with you what transpired during the healing.
Your Investment
$150 per session
$150 per session
Coaching Session ~ 60 minutes
Learn how to tap into your own intuition and wisdom. You have all your answers within you; you are your own expert. Learn how to trust yourself and feel connected with YOU and your desires. Learn to be confident in your choices. Learn how to be gentle with yourself and know that where you are is okay. You are not alone, you can move forward from any place. Get from where you are to where you want to be. See that you have the ability to change your life and transform it into what you desire. See that changes can happen with a shift of perception. Get crystal clear on what you want. Create more joy, good health and excitement in your life. Learn how to use the feelings coming from within you to align and take inspired action. Learn the difference between inspired action and acting from a place of fear. Uncover what's holding you back from reaching and achieving your vision for yourself. Take action steps to achieve your vision by receiving support and being kept accountable. Learn how to follow your inner guidance.
Your Investment
$111 per session
$111 per session
Oracle/Tarot Card Pulls
Choose either:
- 3-Card Pull for $15
- 5-Card Pull for $25